If you know who will be here, you may be excited about signing up sooner than later.
There are almost no age restrictions on who attends. Old people and young people have a lot to teach one another. Part of peace requires that each of us welcomes the “other” into our lives with respect and acceptance.
Some participants will be stronger at horsemanship, others will be better versed at peace making and the complexities of human societies and countries.
Not everyone has to ride. Everyone will be asked to participate in peace making.

Rainbow Trout Mountain, a composite of Montana sky earth water and rocks. The colors vary from day to day and season to season. The setting for the PeaceHorse International Riding School and Camp is rich enough to inspire each rider and participant. You come, too.
Tentative enrollees:
Ruth Neff, Montana, peace activist, nurse, coordinator for Doctors without Borders. Experienced recreational horsewoman
Sam Neff, Montana, peace activist, civil rights advocate, physics teacher, college football player. Experienced recreational horse back rider