Riders both American and Foreign

There is no point in having a peace school if you aren’t going to have people from all over the world to talk with the Americans and everyone else about their common needs and problems.

PeaceHorse would like to have one student come from each of the fifty states. We would like to have one student come from fifty different foreign countries.

You need what you need to get the job done.

Physical tools are necessary to get the job done. so is an attitude of cooperation and a willingness to work together and understand each other. Clear blue summer sky provides a bright background for a rider moving her gear around at the PeaceHorse International Riding School and Camp here in Kalispell, Montana

One could start the interchange with respect. Each of us wants to be respected. Some of the things that we are and have done justify that respect. If you are like all most everyone, yo have failed and fallen short occasionally in big or little ways. So grace must be necessary also. The grace to forgive another of his failings and even sins, as we would wish to be given a second chance. If only perfect people could come here or be your friends, you wouldn’t have any friends. Not only because there were none good enough for you, but also you weren’t goo enough for them.

Therefore, we will accept others and work with them. We will look for the good in them and try to work around the bad or negative. If we are lucky and persevere we will be able to bring out much more of thet good in them than the bad, and vice versa. They will e able to make better persons of ourselves. We will lift each other up in horsemanship, in friendship, and in peace making.

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