You don’t have to be the best, but you’ve got to be good.
You don’t have to be the best rider in the world, but you need to want to make a difference in the world.

They have the right attitude. Male and female. They have worked out their differences. They eat out of the same oats bucket, but Joy is the leader.
1. Riding well
2. Not being afraid of horses
3. Wanting to improve as much as you possibly can your horsemanship in all aspects of it.
4. Very friendly and like people
5. Interested in foreign languages and having learned another one adequately to be understood and understand some.
6. Excited about being involved in learning how to make peace in small ways and big ways.
7. Excited about what you can do to prevent wars or reduce the frequency or severity of them.
8. Very concerned to learn what wars are necessary and what wars are not, if any.
9. Exited about the prospect of having a great time, enjoying people, meeting people, doing fun things,m learning from each other, making friends that will last a life time, getting to visit people all over the world and inviting them to visit you.
10. Being willing to share what you learn at PeaceHorse with as many interested people as you can and to increase your knowledge and share it back again with the PeaceHorse organization